Fm 11-60 pdf
Fm 11-60 pdf

fm 11-60 pdf

Collections This book is part of the following collections of related materials. An ongoing project, A-to-Z encompasses U.Ībout Browse this Collection. Basic field manual or search this site for other books. One of 3 books in the series: What Descriptive information to help identify this book. Includes a proficiency test for soldiers in training. HCF4060 DATASHEET PDF Engineer soldier’s handbook. Serving as both a federal and a state depository library, the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department maintains millions of items in a variety of formats. Subjects Keywords airdromes anti-tank weapons camoflauge construction demolitions enginner reconnaissance field fortifications land mines military insignia military installations parts supply portable bridges rafts railways reconnaissance stream crossing equipment Library of Congress Subject Headings Bombs - Design and construction - Handbooks, manuals, etc. Hoisting machinery - Rigging - Handbooks, manuals, etc.īasic field manual, engineer soldiers’ handbook. Basic field manual FM By popular demand, the A-to-Z Collection also contains vintage War Department field manuals and technical manuals.

fm 11-60 pdf

Usage Statistics When was this book last used? Listed in Monthly catalog, p. Results 1 – 14 of 14 FM BASIC FIELD MANUAL: ENGINEER SOLDIER’S HANDBOOK by War Department and a great selection of related books, art and. SEPTEMBER DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: ‘Approved for public release. Added Title: Basic field manual FM, Alternate Title. One of 3 books in the series: Basic field manual available on this site.

Fm 11-60 pdf